Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Something Interesting, but weird/different

What if our whole lives were a dream. What if we were all sleeping or stuck in some different dimension. Maybe there is another world out there besides planet earth. There has to be an explanation of  why do we feel not here but we are here physically. Maybe our lives right now are trial runs. Our loved ones who are no longer with us are probably having a grand time wherever they are. I think after we all finish this life we move forward into our second lives. This world is filled with wonders. Its a thought or a theory to think about or research.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Baca's Notes

"Immigrants in our own land"

Theme- people going to a foreign place on their homeland

Tone- serious, pessimistic, and formal

Mood- serious and explains real life hardships

Devices- similes (They used common sense like scholars use glasses and books to reach the world.), metaphors (We are born with dreams in our hearts.) , allegory because this poem tries to create a emotional response to the audience and reaches out to people who can relate to the experience. This poem would be pathos because its a appealing to the emotions of the audience. Logos because the author creates a central message about how life works that some people don't have a reason to live and other people just die.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

My Mad Dream Of A Essay

 Remember that time you ate that spicy [pizza] just before you went to bed on the night before the big [Drake concert]?  Oh, that weird dream you had about the 2016 presidential election.  When you woke up you couldn't quite remember the [average] details, but after reading "On Self-Reliance" and "A Sound of Thunder" it's all coming back to you now.

The dream started badly.  You were in line with your family at a [Six Flags] waiting to be sent to [ the dentist].  Everywhere you looked there were posters of president-elect [ Rica], looking like a crazy [ monkey] who could eat a whole [ onion].  

Suddenly, there was Ralph Waldo Emerson telling you, "[ To Be Great Is To Be Misunderstood]."  You realized that you have something to contribute to the world so you decided to [ Write].  But it wasn't easy.  First you had to put on a fancy [ nike sweats] and [ a shower cap] and then you had make a [ sandwich] to go back in time to the [ Swimming pools] so you could convince people to learn about the candidates and the [ racism].

But right there in the [ library ] there was a giant [  nose ] and it started [ run ] ing at everyone.  People started to [ read ].  You grabbed a [ dog ] from a nearby [ cat ] and yelled [ Starbucks is going out of business ].  Everyone stopped and listened, so you kept going.

Ladies and gentlemen we are here in this room because we all need to solve this problem or issue. This issue is to make the world a better place and to express our individuality. By us gathering together and sharing opinions and ideas we can make this society new improved. It all starts with one person and eventually we have everyone contributing. So lets get to it! A very smart man who is Ralph Emerson once said " To be great is to be misunderstood." He said this because we all think alike and try to be like everyone else. Why not be that five percent who think outside of the box and try to better themselves and the world without depending on someone else. He created this theory that we should all be self reliant and to find peace with ourselves. We all try to be like each other because we all want to fit in to not be humiliated. We trap our creativity, opinions, ideas, and style. Ask yourself why do I do that.  Every single one of us is not perfect so stop acting like you are! Stop saying that finding that special someone will make me happy again!! That's not the route to go! Emerson pacifically said "Nothing can bring you peace, but yourself." Love yourself and the right time will come. Don't depend on other people for your happiness because they will take it from you sooner or later. I use to depend on friends or crushes to make me happy. I did that because I wasn't at peace with myself and I thought if I found that perfect guy for me maybe he will help me find that happiness. IT DID NOT WORK!!! That was the worst decision ever. I learned that if we aren't at peace with ourselves or love ourselves. That will affect the future whether it be a relationship, family, meeting new people, or a job interview. I seen it happen to and I have experienced it too. Emerson had brilliant ideas why not share them out and combine them into your everyday life. There was this brilliant story I read recently. It was called A Sound of Thunder it was about the main character, Ekels, was hunting for dinosaurs  when he traveled back into time. While Ekels was traveling back into time he stepped on a butterfly. That small action cause a huge change in the present time. When he came back into the present everything changed. By that change that meant a tyrant had took over the whole country. This story reflects on us and on the real world. Crazy right? What I meant was we have elected and got a president who reflects the tyrant in the story. We soon will create this election that will contain a tyrant in it. The decisions we make now will determine the future. It all depends on what kind of decisions we make. A small decision can lead to a extreme change in the future. So consider every option and situation. We all aren't perfect. We all haven't went insane, well not yet.
Emerson Presentations Day 1

Leslie: -used lyrics that represented self-reliance
- "Heathens" represents the author's friends and how they do things that society will never do
- used Vessel album
-Most important thing to remember is to learn how to be more self reliant

Samary: - Fav quote "Malice ... vanity" explains humanity and love
 - make the world a better place and be self reliant
- mentioned light, religion, love, time, law of nature,
- Everyone should share opinions and don't be all the same

Cesar: - "To believe your own thoughts..."
 - everyone is a genius
 - stay true to yourself even though you might have a authority position
-everyone is too busy about what they are going to say
- shouldn't let past acts affect your good deeds you do


Sunday, November 6, 2016


          For my final project about Emerson I decided to do a quote collage. The quote collage will contain five quotes that stood out to be. Normally people would do a collage on paper or poster paper, but I am doing my project as a banner. I would describe Emerson's main idea of the Self Reliance essay and how I interpret it.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


      During this time learning Emerson, I learned how to view things and people differently. In this essay called self reliance it explains how people are. Self- Reliance means confidence and doing things without mommy and daddy's help. Emerson's main idea is to learn how to be yourself, be unique, and to change how society is. Society means the people in your community/city and from school.  Many people like to be all the same. That's our problem with society and Emerson wanted to let everyone know by creating this essay. Its a long essay, but it has a lot of important information on how to be yourself. As you grow older you will find out that it can be difficult or hard to find things that you love about yourself, but that's okay. Emerson describes everyone a genius no matter what their age might be. Emerson describes that your hard work and what you do only concerns you. He says don't let anyone destroy your happiness because its yours.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


  • "Nothing can bring you peace, but yourself"
- The whole idea of this quote is to motivate a person to work hard for themselves only
- There's no point in finding peace in others

  • "Every heart vibrates to that iron string"
- One of the students translated this quote by saying that the whole world is a guitar
- Every person is a string to attach to that guitar

  • "Man is timid and apologetic"
- Society is powerful while the people are scared to do new things
- We the people always apologize for things that we don't need to apologize  for

  • "Roses don't compete with other roses"
- The roses represents a person
-Roses represents society
- Emerson describes that people don't have to compete with other people
- We shouldn't compare ourselves to other people because we are one of a kind

  • "Populists rejects.."
- Goes with the previous quote
-Also states that society is strong

  • "What I must do is all that concerns me, not what the people think"
- Do whatever makes you happy and don't let other judge what your happiness is
- Your success only concerns you
- Work hard for you not for other people

  • "Society is a joint company" Why would Emerson use this metaphor in this essay
  • "Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind"
-I like that quote
  • "Absolve you to yourself and you shall have the suffrage of the world"
  • Why does Emerson brings religion into self reliance?
  • Does Emerson think we should all speak the "rude truth" ?
  • "But the truth is handsomer than the affectation of love"
-Realist quote I ever read

  • What was the whole point of the "wicked dollar" example?
  • Why does he compare life to bleeding and diet?
-I wonder if he thinks life is pointless

  • "What I must do is all that concerns me, not what the people think"
- This quote relates to me

  • "To be great is to be misunderstood"
- I see this everyday life with different people

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Something Interesting About the Book I'm Reading

The book im reading is called "The Boy Most Likely To" . There's a character who's name is Tim. Tim's parents kicked him out of their house. So Tim went to go live in the basement of his friends house. The part that I found interesting was when Tim found out he had a kid who is six months old.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Today I'm A Good Human Being

Everyday is a chance to do something good for someone or for yourself. Whether it be opening a door for a elderly lady or doing extra work to get extra credit in a certain class. Everyday I choose to be a good human being by doing something good whether it be a small thing. I think everyone needs that kind of mind set to start off the day. Today I helped my nana (my grandma) do grocery shopping because she can't carry heavy things. It feels good to do something for other people.
Vocab Fall List #6

Meme- A cultural item that is in a form of a image that is spread by internet in a humorous way
Memes are all over the social media.

Viral- Spreading information through internet about a person.
All celebrities have their personal information go viral.

Virus- Damages or shuts down a system or a network.
The virus makes the computer work slower after it damages it for the first time.

Blog- A website containing a writer's own experiences or observations.
Many famous youtubers have a blog that they created.

Wiki- A website that allows anyone to add or delete
I think Wiki is known for how to do certain things.

WWW- World Wide Web
A shorter way to say World Wide Web is www.

URL- Uniform Resource Locater a address that leads right to a website
A example of a URL is the address for your blog.

Website- A connected group of pages on the World Wide Web
In this century, everyone goes on websites all the time.

Internet- A computer network that links with other small networks.
The internet is extremely powerful in this generation.

2.0-  Improved version of the original
The 2.0 version was created the year after.

Open Source- Denoting a product that is accessible to the public
We have a open source learning network.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Letter to My Mentor

Big Question: How do people know that you'll be successful in life and to know that you'll accomplish your goals and dreams?

Dear John Wooden,

                Hello the "Wizard of Westwood" ! That's so cool that you coached the UCLA basketball team. What made you create the pyramid of success? What were your intentions of creating it? What did it feel like when your team won 88 games in a row? What kinds of sacrifices did you make over time by accomplishing your goal of wining 88 games. As you can tell I have lots of questions to ask you regarding being successful and tips on basketball. We should schedule a interview soon.  That will mean a lot. Hope you have a great day!
                                             Brigett Yruegas

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Fall Vocab #5

venomous: malignant, spiteful
She had a venomous glare.

Stolid: unemotional, impassive
The New York Times use stolid words towards the play.

Hypnotized: to influence/ control
The speaker hypnotized the audience by his reasoning.

Suspended: to postpone
The student got suspended for fighting during school.

Transformed: to change its form
Iphones are transforming all the time.

Accuse: to charge with fault, offense, or crime
He got accused of murder today in court.

Anticipate:  to expect
The basketball player anticipated the pass.

Fringe:  an outer edge
The music world was described as fringe.

Melancholy:  a gloomy state of mind
The whole day he was in a melancholy mood.

Earnestly:  serious in intention, purpose, or effort
People describe her as earnest.

Dissolve:  to undo
It felt like his problems dissolved out of his life.

Aggravate:  to annoy/ irritate
The physics homework aggravated the student.

Illuminate:  to enlighten/ brighten
Her world was illuminated by his love.

Capillary:  to be connected as a part
Families are an example of capillary.

Proboscis:  trunk of an elephant
Proboscis are found on elephants.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

A Hug is Nearly a Gun Spelled Backwards

          What little things in life make you happy? Is it the food or getting a hug from your favorite person? Is it your love for your country? Personal Relations are the most important thing in life. When I get a hug from the people , I love it makes me feel happy and loved. Personal Relations means the relationships you have with people. The most common relation are hugs! Hugs are comforting, relaxing, and peaceful.

               What is exactly patriotism? Patriotism is defined as a person who loves their homeland more than anything. Patriotism is great, but it is not as important as personal relations. Not everyone knows about patriotism compared to personal relations. People may think they know. Many people only know that George Washington was the first president and that July fourth is when we got our independence. People don't know how and who we got our independence from. How do I know that? Well I just asked my parents where we got our independence from and they didn't know. That proves my point that very little people know about our country.

                  The similarity between personal relations and patriotism is love. Whether it be towards a person or people which creating personal relations or having enormous amount of love towards our country (patriotism) . Both subjects are great and we all need them in our lives. Without personal relations we wont know how to connect with people. We would all be like zombies searching for something we never experienced or heard of. I believe Patriotism would be consider the second most important thing. We live in this amazing country might as well love it.

                   Overall, I believe that personal relations is what mostly makes up life. Its how we come together as a unit. Patriotism would come into part as us becoming one country. I agree with E.M Forester's view of personal relations as more valuable than patriotism. Everyone has their beliefs and opinions. I think every person should at least get a hug everyday to remind themselves that there is comfort and love around us. Also it really helps when we all are having bad days at some point in life. Hugs are awesome!
Sometimes My Mind

Sometimes I zone out during class and pretty much throughout the day. When I zone out I feel like im on a different world or planet, possibility another dimesion that hasn't got discovered yet. Im physically here, but my mind is in its own world. Sometimes its hard to snap out of it. It happens through out the day. Its a crazy feeling like everything around me is fuzzy and nothing seems to exists. I always wonder if other people have this problem.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Interesting News Story Opinion

There was story on the news about a teenage girl who killed her new born baby. I think that was the most dumb idea to do. She could have gave up the baby for adoption. If she didn't want the baby then why did she do it. The baby created no harm and was pure innocent. It makes me frustrated that this generation would do something like that when there are so many other options to choose from. Abortion isn't the option in my opinion that's like the same thing to me. Teenagers need to stop making those mistakes. If they do the those mistakes they need to live up to them and become a responsible adult about it. Instead of making or doing childish acts. Its time to take full responsibility on our actions instead of blaming others.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Big Question Discipline
How do people know that you'll be successful in life and to know that you'll accomplish your goals and dreams?

Hard work
Study habits
Fall Vocab #4

Retrogress: backside
We don't stand still or retrogress, we keep growing and moving forward everyday.

Scrutinize: examine closely
People scrutinize menus and contracts.

Tepid: mild/ dull
The body looked tepid just lying in the casket.

Adroit: Cleverly skillful
Most adults are adroit in some areas of life.

Amicable: Friendly/ Understanding
The trait amicable is a good trait to have in this society.

Quintessence: Extract/ Ultimate
Writers see words as a quintessence way of living life to the fullest.

Nostalgia: Remembrance
Everyone has a sense of nostalgia when it comes to people they desire or love.

Meticulous: Detailed or Picky
The artist was very meticulous when it came to their drawing.

Jeopardy: Danger or Trouble
I think teenagers put their lives in jeopardy more than adults.

Impetus: Energy or Motivation
Athletes have to have impetus when it comes to training and performing in games.

Impervious: Unable to be penetrated
The coat is impervious to rain.

Holocaust: Massacre and widespread destruction
The Holocaust killed many innocent people.

Grimace: Scowling facial expression
The girl grimaced at the boy who made eye contact with her.

Feasible: Possible
The drill looked feasible to the athletes.

Extol: Praise and celebrate
The audience extolled the cast's performance.

Duplicity: An act of deceitfulness
Many celebrities get paid for duplicity.

Cursory: Going rapidly over something without noticing details
I did a cursory glance at the article.

Benevolent: Kindly feelings
The boy had a benevolent smile.

Belligerent: Nasty and argumentative
The Socratic seminar was belligerent to all of us.

Averse: Opposing
The people thought the law was averse to them.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Vocab #3

Catharsis: emotional release
 The author used catharsis through writing poetry.
Sordid: dishonest and dirty
The dog's bath water looked sordid.
Swindle: to cheat
The student swindled his chemistry test.
Frivolous: lack of seriousness
The adult showed frivolous during his presentation.
Inadvertently: lack of attention
Children are very inadvertently compared to teenagers.
Incendiary: inflammatory
The speech had a incendiary vibe to it.
Jargon: meaningless talk/ gibberish
Some politicians jargon in their speeches to persuade people.
Colloquialism: a informal style
Students use a certain style of colloquialism towards one another, not towards teachers.
Archaism: something from the past
The antique from the thrift store showed archaism.
Cudgel: to beat
The team had to cudgel the undefeated team from Los Angeles.
Egregious: really bad
The website contained egregious behavior.
Anesthetize: causing physical insensibility
 The soldiers were using high Tec weapons to anesthetize their enemies.
Euphonious: pleasant in sound
The swish of the net of a hoop is euphonious to my ears.
Scrupulous: careful
The customer had the scrupulous amount for the candy bar.
Perverted: a abnormal kind
The subject attracted the student in a some sort of perverted way.
Superfluous: unnecessary
The evidence was superfluous to the situation.
Saxon: people from Europe
Saxon originally come from Europe. 
Slovenly: unclean in appearance or habits
Everyone has their point of view on someone's slovenly habits.
Provocation: something that irritates or angers
The most common provocation is fingernails scraping against a chalkboard.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Bad Words

What makes words bad ? There is no such thing as bad words. We just use them incorrectly everyday whether it be towards a person with anger or we stub our toe on the coffee table edge. When a person speaks their words, it speaks louder than their actions. Words describe a person more than appearance ever will. We the people are like books, we may not be open but we have words that describe us. There is a existence of a bad language or a unsophisticated language. We could abolish that if we could convince ourselves that their is no bad words. We could speak our minds more clearly. The appropriate way to use euphemisin is to relate to your audience in a extinctive way. The way to do that is to use subjects that no longer exists so the audience doesn't become embarrassed maybe. The inappropriate way to use euphemisin is to use the subjects that people could relate to. This creates offending them and different outlooks of the world and the whole world of language.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Junk Food is Healthy


*I am exploring satire. This article may offend some people. Read at your own risk. Thank you.


We should consider to eat more Chocolate chip cupcakes, soda, sour patch candy, and the Hostess Twinkies. We shouldn’t be eating broccoli and protein shakes. This soda and no water diet is the new way to start living healthy.  If we eat broccoli we may turn green, but with hot Cheetos you will only have a red tongue and red fingers for only twenty four hours. You won’t turn red unlike broccoli.

          This how you start your healthy diet. The first step is to go through your pantry and invade it. Then throw everything you have in there because there is better stuff to buy. Next, get in your car and drive to your nearest grocery store and park really close. Then instead of going in the aisles on the outside, go to the aisles that are in the middle of the store. Then get frozen food, ice cream, sodas, cookies, chips, muffins, cookie dough, and cinnamon rolls. These food items are the beginning of your healthy lifestyle diet. Do this your whole lifetime.

            Who cares about diabetes and heart problems? Everyone is going to die at some point might as well have fun eating sweets that are good for you. Who cares if you have clogged arteries? Eat another large fry! My suggestion to fast food places is to get the biggest size in everything. The moto you should live up to is “Bigger the better”. The grease in the food in fast food places will help you have clear skin and good eyebrows! This is the way to get clearer skin and good eyebrows by drinking soda and eating greasy foods. Let’s populate the world with more diabetes!

          The new trend nowadays is to eat fast food and to transform your pantry to a four year olds dream cabinet. In the future, there could be a cure for diabetes. Then we won’t have any problems with eating junk food. The solution could possibly be something like a high definition machine. That allows you to get rid of the diabetes. You would walk through the machine and it will start on the side of you and make its way to the other side. The machine would be a sensor machine that basically does laser eye surgery. That would hopefully take out all the not necessary sugars. These are some ideas. The idea of eating junk food is to get clearer skin and good eyebrows. This is the new health style in 2016. Let’s start today!


Thursday, September 1, 2016

Literature Analysis

The book "Before I Fall" is about this girl (Samantha) that has a perfect life. Then on Friday, February 12 turns out to be her last day. The odd thing about it was that she had relive that day seven times. The reason being is that so she could make different choices and see if how she really died. Everyday has new outcomes because she chooses new options.

The theme of the novel would be something like you never know what your last day would be so live without regrets. Another one would be live each day to fullest. My favorite one would be live each day as it were your last.

This author seemed like the party type and enjoys to wake up late. There's a possibility that this author is obsessed with death and alcohol. This person is lacking nutrition and hardly eats because she seems so busy with being in a different world which would be reading and creating books. I think this author is single and has no kids so she relies on her teenager years to create vivid books. The reason being that I think she is obsessed with alcohol is because in the book it says " Ally takes a sip of the vodka she's holding" she mentions that Ally does this seven times and gets drunk seven times in the story. Also about the author being obsessed with death is that why would she create a book that makes the perfect human being die but relive her last day seven times. " When we were younger- freshman year and even half of sophomore year - we'd sometimes stay in and put on clay masks and order Chinese food." By using the memory that the main character has it seems that this could be one of the author's memory when she was a teenager.

This author uses aside because there is more than one main character and each character describes their own understanding of each other in the book and basically describes their weakness and strongest. The Climax of the story was when the main character got in a car crash and ended her life but only reliving that same day. The author uses imagery by saying that during the car crash Samantha could see lights and see her life flash right before her eyes. Samantha always picked on this girl named Juliet, she thought she was a freak. The metaphor Samantha uses is that " I watch Juliet's hair flash in the sunlight like its catching fire." The last one would be personification in the quote " On the horizon is the black line of clouds, just sitting there, a curtain about to be closed." The personification would be the curtain wanting to be closed even though the clouds aren't curtains.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Vocab Definitions & Sentences

- Intercede: to act in behalf of someone in trouble
          He did not even dare to intercede for such a nation.
- Hackneyed: repeated too often
        The whole essay was based off of hackneyed information.
- Approbation: approval or praise
         The girl's parents approbation her new boyfriend.
- Innuendo: a insulting comment or gesture
          His friend said a innuendo phrase to the teacher.
 - Coalition: a combination or alliance
           The staff at schools are a example of coalition.
- Elicit: to reveal information or act
           The Drake's album can be elicit.
- Hiatus: a gap, break, or interruption
            The play had a short hiatus.
- Assuage: to make something better
            The coach created a new assuage play for them to win.
- Decadence: a behavior that shows a love for self-indulgence, pleasure, and money
              Many celebrities have the decadence for high class cars.
- Expostulate: to try to reason with someone while showing a lot of disagreement
              The daughter showed expostulate towards her mother's decision.
- Simulate: to imitate or take on the look of something
             Cal of Duty is simulated to look and feel what war is like.
- Jaded: worn out or dulled over time
              Her sweater looked jaded compared to her new one.
- Umbrage: annoyance
               The teacher had a umbrage look when the student asked the same question.
- Prerogative: a privilege
                People who are over eighteen years of age get the prerogative right to vote.
- Lurid: something gruesome or vivid in a shocking way
                The crime scene on the show looked lurid.
- Transcend: to go past defined limits
               The students grades were transcend compared to last year.
- Provincial: something related to a specific country or something that is small minded and unsophisticated
                 Inside her house there was provincial furniture from Italy.
- Petulant: Someone who gets irritated without a good reason
                 The toddler gave a petulant tantrum in the store.
- Unctuous: a slippery feel in a character
                  An example of unctuous is how a sloth feels.
- Meritorious: Something that has value or that is deserving of praise
                 The boy had meritorious throughout high school and college.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Vocab Definitions

Theme : a piece of writing, a person's thoughts on a topic
Tone: the attitude of the writing
Mood: a temporary state of mind or feeling
diction: the choice, use of words, phrases, in speech and writing
syntax: arrangement of words to create well formed sentences in a language
syllogism: an instance form of reasoning in which a conclusion is drawn
adumbrate: represents in a outline
apotheosis: the highest point in developing something
ascetic: person who practices self- discipline
bauble: decoration
beguile: to charm someone in a bad way
burgeon: increase
complement: a thing that brings to perfection or one or more words governed by a verb
Contumacious: disobedient to authority
curmudgeon: bad tempered
didactic: intended to teach
disingenuous: untruthful
exculpate: to declare someone is not guilty
faux pas: an embarrassing mistake
fulminate: to protest
fustian: pretentious speech or writing
hauteur: self- importance
jeremiad: a long, mournful complaint
opportunist: a person who exploits circumstances to gain advantage 
unconscionable: not right
inhibit: prevent an action
stupid: hanging onto the same idea even thought there is more info

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The Conscience of the Hacker

This essay gives a point of view of a hacker, but stating that everyone is the same. No one is different and all hackers are the same. Not just hackers think everyone is alike. Most people think if you do something quicker than others a thought comes to mind that they cheated. He states that he is a criminal for curiosity. I think everyone should have that state of mind. I liked how he described hacking to everyday things in life like school and people. 

Sunday, August 21, 2016

My Big Question resource pt 2


Maybe some of these quotes describes what people see in me. I don't know but these quotes are good and motivational (:
My Big Question resource


The difference between goals and dreams. How to accomplish your goal.
My Birthday was a success !

My birthday was yesterday and it was a surprise party. I came home yesterday and my close family members surprised me with a party. I'm finally 16 ! I thought we were going to Olive Garden for my birthday but it was trick lol. I got my own snapchat filter! It was a great day (: 

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Everything's Awesome

Louis CK is stating that we live in a world that no one is happy even though we live in a world that is pretty amazing. He's saying that people are taking everything for granted in this century. He wants people to understand that technology now is far better than technology in the 1900's. Its not only our generation but some people from the generation before us. Louis CK doesn't see why to complain about delay flights or slow internet. In other words he tries to get the audience's attention by putting in humor and calling everyone out.  

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

My Recital

Example #3 of Satire


Satire means some type of humor, irony, or exaggeration. It could mean to make fun of people. So I consider this video satire because it shows irony. Its irony because the other fish thought all clown fish were funny.
Example #2 of Satire


I think this is another example because teens react to a youtuber's videos. Their reactions are good, bad, and relateable. The teens add their opinions and comments about a youtuber's videos
Example #1 of Satire


I think this video is an example of satire because it makes selfie sticks look like its dangerous. It sounds like its creating a lot of harm and it makes it seem like its a disease.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

The Right to Your Opinion

I believe that everyone has a opinion that is meant to be heard. Not so much on the opinions that hurt other people's feelings. Most people like to be right all the time. The other person probably feels annoyed by losing. People like winning more and like the fact that their way is the better route. I think the words I am entitled to my opinion is stating that I will stick with my belief and ignore yours. That pretty much stops the conversation right there. The way of  life is and how you should live, depends on you. The definition of life is not what the dictionary says , but what you think it is.
The Laughing Heart

One of the ways I translated the poem was that everyone has dark days. Most people have them frequently than others. Isn't it bad people ask themselves. No its not bad and that its okay to feel like that. There will always be light somewhere in your darkness, but sometimes it seems impossible to see it or feel it. The light could be something small and overlooked. Sometimes it could be shining bright and impossible to be overlooked. Remember a bad day only lasts less than 24 hours. Just know that any day beats being buried under the ground. Bukowski tries to remind us that on the dark days you must remember that its your life, you live it how you want it. Its plain and simple, but speaks loud. I think he did a great job of explaining it and creates a loud noise just by words and relating to everyone. 
Welcome to my blog !

I named this blog pinkluvgrl because this is what I go by on social media. I liked the name anyways. I created this name a couple years of ago. Well anyways welcome to my thoughts, opinions, and ideas (: