Monday, September 19, 2016

Fall Vocab #4

Retrogress: backside
We don't stand still or retrogress, we keep growing and moving forward everyday.

Scrutinize: examine closely
People scrutinize menus and contracts.

Tepid: mild/ dull
The body looked tepid just lying in the casket.

Adroit: Cleverly skillful
Most adults are adroit in some areas of life.

Amicable: Friendly/ Understanding
The trait amicable is a good trait to have in this society.

Quintessence: Extract/ Ultimate
Writers see words as a quintessence way of living life to the fullest.

Nostalgia: Remembrance
Everyone has a sense of nostalgia when it comes to people they desire or love.

Meticulous: Detailed or Picky
The artist was very meticulous when it came to their drawing.

Jeopardy: Danger or Trouble
I think teenagers put their lives in jeopardy more than adults.

Impetus: Energy or Motivation
Athletes have to have impetus when it comes to training and performing in games.

Impervious: Unable to be penetrated
The coat is impervious to rain.

Holocaust: Massacre and widespread destruction
The Holocaust killed many innocent people.

Grimace: Scowling facial expression
The girl grimaced at the boy who made eye contact with her.

Feasible: Possible
The drill looked feasible to the athletes.

Extol: Praise and celebrate
The audience extolled the cast's performance.

Duplicity: An act of deceitfulness
Many celebrities get paid for duplicity.

Cursory: Going rapidly over something without noticing details
I did a cursory glance at the article.

Benevolent: Kindly feelings
The boy had a benevolent smile.

Belligerent: Nasty and argumentative
The Socratic seminar was belligerent to all of us.

Averse: Opposing
The people thought the law was averse to them.

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