Monday, August 29, 2016

Vocab Definitions & Sentences

- Intercede: to act in behalf of someone in trouble
          He did not even dare to intercede for such a nation.
- Hackneyed: repeated too often
        The whole essay was based off of hackneyed information.
- Approbation: approval or praise
         The girl's parents approbation her new boyfriend.
- Innuendo: a insulting comment or gesture
          His friend said a innuendo phrase to the teacher.
 - Coalition: a combination or alliance
           The staff at schools are a example of coalition.
- Elicit: to reveal information or act
           The Drake's album can be elicit.
- Hiatus: a gap, break, or interruption
            The play had a short hiatus.
- Assuage: to make something better
            The coach created a new assuage play for them to win.
- Decadence: a behavior that shows a love for self-indulgence, pleasure, and money
              Many celebrities have the decadence for high class cars.
- Expostulate: to try to reason with someone while showing a lot of disagreement
              The daughter showed expostulate towards her mother's decision.
- Simulate: to imitate or take on the look of something
             Cal of Duty is simulated to look and feel what war is like.
- Jaded: worn out or dulled over time
              Her sweater looked jaded compared to her new one.
- Umbrage: annoyance
               The teacher had a umbrage look when the student asked the same question.
- Prerogative: a privilege
                People who are over eighteen years of age get the prerogative right to vote.
- Lurid: something gruesome or vivid in a shocking way
                The crime scene on the show looked lurid.
- Transcend: to go past defined limits
               The students grades were transcend compared to last year.
- Provincial: something related to a specific country or something that is small minded and unsophisticated
                 Inside her house there was provincial furniture from Italy.
- Petulant: Someone who gets irritated without a good reason
                 The toddler gave a petulant tantrum in the store.
- Unctuous: a slippery feel in a character
                  An example of unctuous is how a sloth feels.
- Meritorious: Something that has value or that is deserving of praise
                 The boy had meritorious throughout high school and college.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Vocab Definitions

Theme : a piece of writing, a person's thoughts on a topic
Tone: the attitude of the writing
Mood: a temporary state of mind or feeling
diction: the choice, use of words, phrases, in speech and writing
syntax: arrangement of words to create well formed sentences in a language
syllogism: an instance form of reasoning in which a conclusion is drawn
adumbrate: represents in a outline
apotheosis: the highest point in developing something
ascetic: person who practices self- discipline
bauble: decoration
beguile: to charm someone in a bad way
burgeon: increase
complement: a thing that brings to perfection or one or more words governed by a verb
Contumacious: disobedient to authority
curmudgeon: bad tempered
didactic: intended to teach
disingenuous: untruthful
exculpate: to declare someone is not guilty
faux pas: an embarrassing mistake
fulminate: to protest
fustian: pretentious speech or writing
hauteur: self- importance
jeremiad: a long, mournful complaint
opportunist: a person who exploits circumstances to gain advantage 
unconscionable: not right
inhibit: prevent an action
stupid: hanging onto the same idea even thought there is more info

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The Conscience of the Hacker

This essay gives a point of view of a hacker, but stating that everyone is the same. No one is different and all hackers are the same. Not just hackers think everyone is alike. Most people think if you do something quicker than others a thought comes to mind that they cheated. He states that he is a criminal for curiosity. I think everyone should have that state of mind. I liked how he described hacking to everyday things in life like school and people. 

Sunday, August 21, 2016

My Big Question resource pt 2

Maybe some of these quotes describes what people see in me. I don't know but these quotes are good and motivational (:
My Big Question resource

The difference between goals and dreams. How to accomplish your goal.
My Birthday was a success !

My birthday was yesterday and it was a surprise party. I came home yesterday and my close family members surprised me with a party. I'm finally 16 ! I thought we were going to Olive Garden for my birthday but it was trick lol. I got my own snapchat filter! It was a great day (: 

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Everything's Awesome

Louis CK is stating that we live in a world that no one is happy even though we live in a world that is pretty amazing. He's saying that people are taking everything for granted in this century. He wants people to understand that technology now is far better than technology in the 1900's. Its not only our generation but some people from the generation before us. Louis CK doesn't see why to complain about delay flights or slow internet. In other words he tries to get the audience's attention by putting in humor and calling everyone out.  

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

My Recital
Example #3 of Satire 

Satire means some type of humor, irony, or exaggeration. It could mean to make fun of people. So I consider this video satire because it shows irony. Its irony because the other fish thought all clown fish were funny.
Example #2 of Satire

I think this is another example because teens react to a youtuber's videos. Their reactions are good, bad, and relateable. The teens add their opinions and comments about a youtuber's videos
Example #1 of Satire

I think this video is an example of satire because it makes selfie sticks look like its dangerous. It sounds like its creating a lot of harm and it makes it seem like its a disease.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

The Right to Your Opinion

I believe that everyone has a opinion that is meant to be heard. Not so much on the opinions that hurt other people's feelings. Most people like to be right all the time. The other person probably feels annoyed by losing. People like winning more and like the fact that their way is the better route. I think the words I am entitled to my opinion is stating that I will stick with my belief and ignore yours. That pretty much stops the conversation right there. The way of  life is and how you should live, depends on you. The definition of life is not what the dictionary says , but what you think it is.
The Laughing Heart

One of the ways I translated the poem was that everyone has dark days. Most people have them frequently than others. Isn't it bad people ask themselves. No its not bad and that its okay to feel like that. There will always be light somewhere in your darkness, but sometimes it seems impossible to see it or feel it. The light could be something small and overlooked. Sometimes it could be shining bright and impossible to be overlooked. Remember a bad day only lasts less than 24 hours. Just know that any day beats being buried under the ground. Bukowski tries to remind us that on the dark days you must remember that its your life, you live it how you want it. Its plain and simple, but speaks loud. I think he did a great job of explaining it and creates a loud noise just by words and relating to everyone. 
Welcome to my blog !

I named this blog pinkluvgrl because this is what I go by on social media. I liked the name anyways. I created this name a couple years of ago. Well anyways welcome to my thoughts, opinions, and ideas (: