Friday, April 28, 2017

Prompt: Explain the nature and importance of two or three means by which you keep track of time and discuss how these means reveal your person. 


            Time is a measurement and is measured by using a system. You only have twenty four hours in one day. So thats 1440 precious minutes in one day. Students use seven of the 24 hours for school and 4 hours for extra-curricular activities in all. Adults that work use usually eight hours for work and 3 hours for any errands to do. We all sleep so there goes eight hours of sleep well the recomanded sleep hours. Students are left with a total of nine hours, but it does not seem like it. Adults that work are left with thirteen hours to do whatever they want. Its your choice on what you do with those hours. Time management makes you grow as a person and reveals who you are. 

              There is no such thing as a perfect student or perfect adult. Most of us get stress because there is so much we have to do, but with little time to do it in. Surprisingly, time management is not taught in school. You have to learn on your own and figure it all out. If you do not have time management, it clearly states what kind of person you are. Whether you are a hard working, good grade achieving, ambitious person or a person who rather do fun things instead of putting in work. They live off of that Y.O.L.O acronym. 

               There is no formula for time management well there could be, but everyone is different. I go to school for seven hours, then go to the library after school to work on homework and then two hours later i had over to practice. Practice is usually two hours and possibly fifteen minutes. After practice I go home and talk to my family and eat. Then I do homework and go to sleep. My time management is the life of a student athlete. There is not much of our day left. This reveals me as a busy, but tries to be social person. I have other hobbies i like to do but there is so much more that i do. Time management only reveals that either you are a hardworking person or a person that says "oh i can do that tomorrow instead". I think time management is a key thing to have in your life. 

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